A collection of highlights recorded from live concerts.

Corelli's Circle
Recorded in January 2018 at the King Center in Denver and released in December 2018, Corelli's Circle features music of violinist-composer Arcangelo Corelli and composers from his circle in London: George Frideric Handel, Francesco Geminiani, John Stanley, and Charles Avison.
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Forte e Dolce
The Baroque Chamber Orchestra of Colorado’s second CD, Forte e Dolce, incorporates music from over 75 years in various 17-century Italian traditions, including four works for trumpet and strings, a concerto grosso in the “Christmas concerto” genre, plus chamber and solo pieces.
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The Baroque Chamber Orchestra of Colorado’s first CD, Cornucopia features the Baroque Chamber Orchestra of Colorado performing a variety of music from the 17th and 18th centuries, with selections by Handel, Telemann, Leclair, Muffat, and Avison.
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Note: This CD is sold out at our on-line store.
Please visit Amazon or iTunes to purchase the album download.

A recording of Bertali’s Chiacona, performed by violinist Cynthia Miller Freivogel and guitarist Daniel Zuluaga, is available to buy and download from iTunes and Amazon.
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Note: This CD is sold out at our on-line store.
Please visit Amazon to purchase the album download.

Ordering Information
CDs are available for purchase at all BCOC concerts
or from our on-line store.