Support Us

You make the music happen, whether it is with a donation of cash or stock, sponsoring a musician, planned giving, a vehicle donation, or volunteering (details below). We are truly grateful for every contribution you make. BCOC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit 65-1257232.
Make a Donation
We rely on your individual donations to thrive. Your tax-deductible contribution helps us to continue to provide inspiring music to our community. Your generosity helps ensure our future as an exciting and significant presence on the Colorado arts scene. Did you know that ticket sales provide only a fraction of the real cost of each concert?
Donate online via Colorado Gives
Or Mail by Check:
Mail your donation to:
P.O. Box 200098
Denver, CO 80220-0098
A donation of stock may provide you with extra tax benefits - contact us here for details.
Become a Legacy Circle Member
Support our future by including Baroque Chamber Orchestra of Colorado in your estate plans. Please let us know if you have done so, so you can join the growing list of our generous legacy supporters. Questions? Email us for a discussion.
Become a Sponsor
Sponsors at varying levels make a significant impact to help bring the excitement of live Baroque performance to Colorado audiences. Sponsor a concert, an entire season, or a particular musician. Learn about the details here.
To learn more about becoming a sponsor, contact the BCOC Executive Director at 303-889-1012 or send us an e-mail at
Donate Your Unwanted Vehicle
Support BCOC by donating your car, truck, RV, motorcycle, or other type of vehicle. Proceeds from the sale of your vehicle directly benefit the orchestra, and you receive a tax deduction. To find out more, visit
Your time and talent are needed! Volunteer as an usher or with other tasks. To volunteer, leave a voice message at 303-889-1012, or send us an e-mail at We will contact you as soon as possible.